
My name is Evelyse and I am an Immigration Form Specialist, also known as a Preparer/Interpreter in the state of Massachusetts. I am not an attorney/lawyer or a paralegal.

I created VIAS as a platform where individuals and families can have access to an efficient and affordable way to properly fill out immigration forms and collect supporting documents to submit to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). We aim to make the process as smooth as possible and without delay.


Via Immigration Application Services is not affiliated with the USCIS or any government agency. We are not a law firm. Consultation information are not legal advice and do not substitute the advice, guidance or recommendations that a licensed attorney can provide. Immigration Application Specialists are not attorneys and may not provide legal advice.

OUR Approach

Navigating USCIS can be intimidating and confusing. Being immigrants ourselves, we understand the struggles and anxiety that families go through as they try to regularize their legal status and reunite with their loved ones in the United States. This is where VIAS comes in to help alleviate your angst and give you peace of mind…

At VIAS, we are committed to work with you through the application process from beginning to end.

At VIAS, we will work with you through the application process from beginning to end. That’s our commitment to you!

VIAS is devoted to help you if you…

  • Are clearly eligible for the benefit you seek.

  • Are overwhelmed by immigration forms/applications.

  • Desire a smooth and timely application process facilitated by a competent Immigration Form Specialist.

***At any point during this process, if your case has met with some unforeseeable setback, we will promptly refer you to an immigration attorney.